Sunday, October 21, 2012

Bung Ball

The little rubber stopper that fits in the hole of a barrel is called a bung. (Making the whole where a bung goes, the bung hole. Hehehe). There's one bung that floats around the cellar that looks like it's been very roughly carved into a little ball, chunks shaved off of it making it bounce all wonky. It's amazing what happens when you give something resembling a ball to a boy. In this case, it's resulted in what we call Bung Ball, essentially a simplified version of cricket. One of the barrel rooms is half empty right now, much to the delight of cricket-happy cellar workers who somehow, after several consecutive weeks of overtime manual labor (yes, I have a paystub that said I worked 140 hours in 14 days and the exhaustion-rendered retardation to prove it), have the energy to end a day with a beer and some rousing rounds of bung ball.
Invariably, someone will hit the ball with a little more zeal than necessary and the ball gets ricocheted (we close the warehouse room's garage door so we're essentially inside a refrigeration unit, read Squash court) into the labrynth of barrels, sending a frantic "fielder" in between rows of barrels with a flashlight, face against the floor looking for the ball, all the while trying not to spill their beer while the man up to bat is scoring run after run.
This, I'll miss.

1 comment:

  1. Good to know how wine-makers imbue the wine with silly fun energy long before it even gets to the glass.
