Sunday, July 10, 2011

Bike Trip Day 1

Ever since doing a little impromptu bike trip in Holland two summers ago- from Amsterdam to Brussels, I've wanted to do another one. Simply because it is THE best way to travel. It is the perfect pace to go at so that you can see everything, stumble upon local happenings, farmers markets, music festivals, it is so easy to meet people when traveling on bike because everyone wants to know what the hell you're doing, where you're from and everyone is eager to dish out advice which sometimes is helpful. But almost always nice to receive anyway. Also waking up in the morning from some beautiful campsite knowing that all you have to do that day is bike and eat and find another beautiful campsite is so nice. Food tastes amazing when you're doing so much and the constant activity means that you're almost always hungry. Which for me, is the most wonderful thing in the world. Biking along through sprawling countryside lends itself to so many incredible picnic sites. And the whole body exhaustion of being outside all day everyday, cycling for hours and hours usually results in- for me at least- giddy, slap happy enthusiasm which is better than any high you could pay for. So I planned this trip thinking I have to take advantage of a summer during which I don't have a lease or a job. Finding someone to do it with was difficult so I had no idea what was going to happen about 3 weeks ago, when my friend Kevin gave me a call and said he was getting tickets to Seattle with his bike. Perfect. So here I am.

Day 1. Kevin and I woke up way too early after not nearly enough sleep. I had a sore throat, it was drizzling outside, I blinked some fuzzy contacts into my eyes and started packing my bike up. By the time Kevin and I packed, I was very clearly carrying pretty much everything. Pre-coffee nihilism and dread quickly turned into post-coffee adventure mode and unabashed enthusiasm. Kevin and I bonked our loaded bikes down the staircase of the apartment where we stayed the night before and we took off, riding very precariously through Seattle traffic to our bus stop. We sat on the bus cringing as we watched our bikes sway on the front rack. We got to a port and onto a ferry to Bremerton which- right on a gorgeous lake across from Seattle, should have been really cute. But it was not at all. It was in bumfuck nowhere, filled with a bunch of bumfucks and all of the streets we had to turn on were ridiculously steep and unrelenting. After getting lost every turn we made and battling hills for two hours, we estimated to have gone about... 3 miles. Awesome. Only 997 to go. Eventually, we got on a pretty mellow road in between a gorgeous clear lake and an enchanted Jurassic Park forest until we found a campsite surrounding by mossy trees and a creek and little rays of sunlight coming through the trees making the plants look luminescent. We enjoyed trying to start a fire with wet wood for about 2 hours. A very mentally taxing day but a good start. About 25 miles finally covered.

1 comment:

  1. A wonderful post.

    I love the line "Pre-coffee nihilism and dread quickly turned into post-coffee adventure mode and unabashed enthusiasm."

    You are living the dream.
    Best to you both.
