Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 6. Lewis and Clark to Kalama

It wasnt raining this morning, which made life so much easier. Lots of cows and rivers on the route through farms. The hills here and there rocked my raspy throat and lungs. It started to rain about 20 miles in and then, when it started to really pour, the hill we just crested lead straight to a burger joint featuring not only elk burgers- we were starving- but also decent coffee, an overhang for the bikes, dangerously comfortable bench seats and lots of people happy to give directions and advice. We figured out our campsite for the night from a cab driver and someone living in Vancouver gave us his card if we need anything. Might take him up on that. Great day today. The rest day was needed. The shoulder that I strained a few months ago climbing, is hurting a little bit but hopefully it won't get to be a problem. The stretch from Castle Rock- where we had those life saving burgers- to Kelso was shitty- rainy and along a pretty busy road, plopping us into a very bike-unfriendly city where the awning of a Safeway served as a welcomed respite. I raided the bulk bins for a budget snack. On the last stretch to our campsite in Kalama, it poured but felt surprisingly good and it stopped right as we got to the campsite.

Nothing is muted when you're traveling or post-excerice and especially not when they're combined. Senses are wide open and average things are incredible. Despite or maybe because of the fact that we've been lugging around 30 pounds of weight each, sleeping without mats, showering only when acutely necessary- my body feels fantastic and I'm so happy. There's this nice point of traveling at which you get into the groove of simplicity and everything mellows out- when the brain finally starts to slow down. Lovely. It's so easy to not get caught up thibking about the future when you know so little of it. 

And there's a beautiful full moon tonight- go check it out!

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