Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I spent last night in Eugene with Ariel. Staying with her in her bro-filled college house felt more like roughing it than any of the camping I've done so far. We made dinner last night which involved digging through piles of dishes and trash to get to a cutting board or pan. Consistent, the dinner came out really well. I fell asleep on the couch to a roo Eugene is grungy. But cute. The river running through town is gorgeous and there's a grocery market two blocks away from her house- Sundance- that is so fantastic, friendly and hippy-wonderful that just that market alone made me consider transferring schools. Well that and the righteously awesome urban agriculture program they have. Ariel and I walked around the farm on campus yesterday- dipping into greenhouses and picking raspberries. Everything grows here. I think I'll move. I chose between 10 different options of bulk peanut butter at Sundance and got a little jar for my trip. Off to the coast tonight- finally! My rideshare flaked on me twice but is now coming through. And off on the road again tomorrow morning.

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